A look inside our production facility
Have you made it a habit to look at the label of a garment to see where it was made?
I've gotten into the habit. It's such a small step, yet so important. It's a quick way to judge whether the garment was produced in humane conditions or probably not.
In Bangladesh, the sewing room of the West, all the cheap garments that fill the halls at our FASTFASHION vendors are created under sometimes horrible conditions. A T-shirt for 4.99€ or a dress for 19.99€? The garments cost so little that everyone should be aware at whose expense they were really produced. Namely on those of the people who have created the garment. Workers there have very few rights in terms of minimum wage, health and safety, working hours, discrimination in the workplace and safety standards. Child labour is very widespread. Every second child in the capital Dhaka toils in factories. Two thirds of them in textile factories alone. Thousands of children work all day for our cheap disposable clothes!
That is why I have decided to have my collection produced exclusively in the EU by highly professional companies that I have visited myself. I have signed contracts with my producers in which the rights of the workers are written down. However, in the EU there is also a legal minimum wage, and labour rights. Child labour is forbidden. For me, this was the main reason for choosing production in Europe, which is many times more expensive, over production in low-wage countries.
If you have a 'you look perfect' product, you can wear it with a clear conscience. And that's what matters, isn't it?
The photos were taken during my visit to the factory in Hungary that knits and manufactures the knitwear. It is a modern company, which is already run by the second generation.